
Outstanding student leaders honored with OU’s most prestigious awards


President Pescovitz and award recipients

图左起, 威廉姆斯的命运, 俄勒冈州立大学校长奥拉·佩斯科维茨说, 贾斯汀Tamplin, 艾莎Zanib and 凯尔斯宾格勒.



Outstanding student leaders honored with OU’s most prestigious awards
President Pescovitz and award recipients

每年, 十大菠菜台子表彰那些表现出学术卓越,同时对校园和社区产生积极影响的优秀学生领袖. 

俄勒冈州立大学的威尔逊奖每年颁发给两名作为十大菠菜台子做出贡献的应届毕业生, leaders and responsible citizens; the Human Relations Award is given annually to a graduating senior who has contributed to intergroup understanding and conflict resolution; 和 Don and Jan 奥多德研究生奖 recognizes a graduate student for exemplary service and leadership on campus and beyond.

A committee reviews nominations from faculty, staff and students and selects recipients of the Wilson and Human Relations Awards. 推荐的候选人最终由负责学生事务的副校长和首席多元化官批准为获奖者, 而总统. 公开大学研究生委员会审查唐和简·奥多德研究生奖的候选人,并将候选人推荐给负责学术事务的执行副校长和教务长进行最终批准.

The 2024 award recipients – 凯尔斯宾格勒, 德斯特妮·威廉姆斯iisha Zanib和贾斯汀Tamplin在4月12日的董事会会议上被正式认可. Read on to find out more about these outstanding student leaders.



阿尔弗雷德·G. Wilson Award: 凯尔斯宾格勒

Majoring in Clinical and Diagnostic 科学 in the School of 健康科学, 凯尔斯宾格勒’s accomplishments span multiple academic disciplines. 他保持了4分.0 GPA while co-leading a project in the School's ECLIPSE 并与生物学教授汤姆·拉斐尔一起研究两栖动物与真菌病原体之间的寄主-寄生虫关系. 

这位克拉克斯顿人还通过在特洛伊博蒙特医院的住院康复楼做志愿者,扩大了他的知识和经验, 跟随底特律亨利福特医院的一名重症监护医生,并在克拉克斯顿的Pine Knob急救中心担任医疗助理.

While thriving in his own academic and professional journey, 斯宾格勒作为本科生研究协会的创始人和主席,帮助其他人取得了成功, 这是一个学生组织,为公开大学的学生和教师之间分享研究机会创造了平台, 并通过“团结一致倡议”志愿为庞蒂亚克贫困的K-6儿童做家教.

Outside the classroom, Spengler has been active with the WXOU campus radio station. He established the “You Talk, “我们听”播客, 为学生发声提供一个独特的平台,培养学生群体之间的社区意识和相互理解.  



玛蒂尔达R. Wilson Award: 威廉姆斯的命运

德斯特妮·威廉姆斯 Public Relations and Strategic Communication major in the College of 艺术与科学, has distinguished herself as a passionate leader, advocate and scholar. 她保持了3分.57 GPA and was named to the Dean’s List every semester, 同时不知疲倦地通过参与众多校园和社区组织来帮助他人.

Her leadership roles include serving as vice president of Hamlin Hall’s Community Council, a resident assistant and desk attendant for 大学 Housing; an orientation group leader and orientation assistant for OU’s First Year Advising Center; a CORE Ambassador in the Center for Multicultural Initiatives; 和 director of advocacy for the 十大菠菜台子 Student Congress. She has also been active in the Alpha Lambda Delta Honor Society, the Association of Black Students and Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc.

Williams is a 2022 recipient of OU’s Keeper of the Dream Scholarship Award,该奖项旨在表彰为种族间理解和友好关系做出贡献的学生. 她为他人服务的奉献精神在她为OU食品储藏室的志愿工作中闪耀, Center for Multicultural Initiatives, 性别与性取向中心和美国公共关系学生协会公开课, for which she served as historian and public relations director.

在兰辛出生和长大, 威廉姆斯还在兰辛和底特律大都会地区的几个社会正义和倡导组织担任志愿者.



Human Relations Award: 艾莎Zanib 

艾莎Zanib, a Clinical and Diagnostic 科学 major in the School of 健康科学, 在学业上表现出色, 保持3.93 GPA and earning Dean’s and President’s List recognition for eight semesters. Originally from Wayne County, 这位荣誉学院的学生在皇家橡树的Corewell健康中心担任肿瘤学护理助理,并担任妇科医学助理. 林洛伦兹. 今年晚些时候,她将进入医学院学习,目前在罗彻斯特普通外科医生诊所担任医学记录员. 丹尼尔·沙利文博士. 雷纳托Albaran.

Under the mentorship of Dr. 烟灰墨Dinda, Chair and Professor of the Department of Clinical and Diagnostic 科学, Zanib has worked as a lab manager and research assistant for nearly three years, 她在哪里研究了潜在的内分泌干扰和抗癌化合物对乳腺癌细胞的影响. In support of her research, which has led to the publication of several abstracts and a recent manuscript, 她曾获得教务长本科生研究奖和健康科学学院旅行补助金. With an interest in an Oncology-related field in the future, 她将于今年6月在波士顿举行的内分泌学2024年会议上展示她对乳腺癌的研究. 

与博士合作. Rebecca Malatesta in the Department of Psychology, she helped create a mentorship program for low-income students, designed to address educational and socioeconomic disparities, earning her team a grant in support of the project from 优化 at the 大学 of Michigan. She also has helped to establish the Undergraduate 研究 Society, 担任副总统, assisting peers in creating numerous research opportunities with OU faculty.

She has also demonstrated responsible citizenship by serving as President of APIAVote-MI, 这是一家位于密歇根州的非营利组织,致力于支持亚裔美国人和太平洋岛民, limited English proficient, and low socioeconomic communities through initiatives like voter registration, 资源分配, 公民参与, 联盟建设, and leadership development.  



Don and Jan 奥多德研究生奖: 贾斯汀Tamplin

唐和简·奥多德研究生奖表彰那些表现出求知欲的学生, 热情, compassion and dedication to their field of study. 贾斯汀Tamplin has exemplified those qualities, achieving a 4.0 GPA en route to earning bachelor’s and master’s degrees in accounting, within OU's School of 工商管理, 仅仅四年. The Macomb Township resident demonstrated strong analytical skills, passing all four parts of the CPA exam on the first try, while maintaining a full-time course load. 

除了, Tamplin作为会计和金融系的研究生研究助理获得了宝贵的经验,并通过担任会计硕士学生组织的主席和密歇根州注册会计师协会的公开大学学生大使磨练了他的领导能力.

他的其他领导角色包括担任奥克兰会计学生信息协会主席, 担任Beta Gamma Sigma国际商业荣誉协会的财务主管和营销总裁. He also led Beta Gamma Sigma members to volunteer in the Pontiac community, 在鲍德温中心的衣橱里帮忙整理捐赠的衣服,在Micah社区打扫花园. 

Tamplin interned at Plante Moran the past two summers, gaining professional experiences and building on the knowledge he learned at 奥克兰. 他的奉献精神, 职业道德和熟练程度让我得到了一份全职工作,成为公司的税务人员, a position he will begin this summer.

了解更多有关 Wilson and Human Relation Awards奥多德研究生奖


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